Setup MikroTik as L2TP/IPSec VPN Server | Saputra

set link mtu 1280 # Configure L2TP # REPLACE with the IP address racoon will listen on (if behind NAT, this is the INSIDE IP) # Unfortunately, you can not specify multiple IPs here, so just comment the next line if you need that set l2tp self w.x.y.z set l2tp enable length # Allow to accept calls set link enable incoming MEF Wiki Home Page - MEF Wiki - MEF Wiki MEF Wiki Home Page. Committees (Login required) Services LSO Applications Marketing and Education Certification. Quick Links MEF Reference Wiki MEF Site MEF Help … What is L2TP Protocol and Why Use L2TP VPN?

L2TPv3 is a pseudowire protocol, more information in Wikipedia L2TPv3. example RFC. L2TPv3 can transport any traffic including ethernet frames. L2TPv2 is limited to PPP.

Aug 17, 2018 What is Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)? - Definition Aug 18, 2011 RP-L2TP / Wiki / Home

Hi, Has anyone connected two PE routers over L2TP tunnel? I have a case where I have to go through a third party L3 network. I would like to exchange LDP over the tunnel. Can someone point to a good doc on the web or provide a sample config. thanks Arana

May 20, 2018 L2TP — Vikipēdija L2TP (no angļu: Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol — 'otrā līmeņa tunelēšanas protokols') — datortīklos tunelēšanas protokolu izmanto, lai uzturētu privāto virtuālo tīklu.Galvenā L2TP priekšrocība ir tajā, ka tas ļauj izveidot tuneli ne tikai IP tīklos, bet arī tādās kā ATM, X.25 un Frame Relay.. Neskatoties uz to, ka L2TP darbojas kā datu posma slāņu modelis OSI, tas L2TP Ports - Dec 25, 2012