Dec 27, 2019 · The average lifecycle of a breach lasted almost 11 months (from the breach to containment). (IBM) The average cost of a data breach is $3.92 million as of 2019. ( Security Intelligence) In 2016, Uber reported that hackers stole the information of over 57 million riders and drivers and forced to pay them $100,000.

Cyber insurance evolved as a product in the United States in the mid- to late-1990s as insurers have had to expand coverage for a risk that is rapidly shifting in scope and nature. In 2018, 545 insurers reported writing cyber insurance, up from 505 in 2017, according to NAIC data sourced from S&P Global Market Intelligence. May 14, 2019 · Our infographic is full of facts about Cybersecurity! Did you know that Cyber-attacks are the fastest-growing crime in the U.S.? This includes user data theft from cybersecurity breaches. As our society increases its use of technology, this figure will continue to increase in size, scope, and cost. U.S. government and cyber crime - Statistics & Facts Published by J. Clement, Aug 1, 2019 The increasing digitization of all aspects of modern life has not stopped to exclude the government and Cyber crimes are growing at a rapid pace. Below are cyber crime statistics you should know about: Cyber crimes are the fastest growing crime in the United States; More than 2 billion person records are stolen every year; The average number of security breaches per organization was 145 in 2018

Cyber attacks are crimes in which the computer system is the target. Cyber attacks consist of computer viruses (including worms and Trojan horses), denial of service attacks, and electronic vandalism or sabotage. Cyber theft comprises crimes in which a computer is used to steal money or other things of value.

Cyber-crime will cost the world $6 trillion 7 of the Most Interesting Facts About Cyber Security The world of cybersecurity is full of tidbits that help us understand the dangers and how to protect ourselves from the black hats of the world.

Cybercrime, also called computer crime, the use of a computer as an instrument to further illegal ends, such as committing fraud, trafficking in child pornography and intellectual property, stealing identities, or violating privacy.

Statistics about - Crime and victims, Drugs and crime, Criminal offenders, The justice system in the United States, Law enforcement, Prosecution, Courts and sentencing, Corrections, Justice expenditure and employment. Although 93 per cent of small businesses have some kind of cyber security in place, around 66 per cent have been a victim of cyber crime in the last two years. During that period, those affected have been victims on four occasions on average. 2. One of the biggest threats to data safety can come from BYOD ­– “bring your own device” Cyber crime victim statistics show that cybercriminals use this method within the sphere of cryptomining, as remote code execution attacks are the easiest to implement in this area. 31. The average cost of a ransomware attack on businesses is $133,000.