Internal Network, Slow to connect - carier lost - Spiceworks

dhcpcd - ArchWiki - LInuxsecrets The dhcpcd package is available to be installed.It is part of the base group, so it is likely already installed on your system.. You might be interested in dhcpcd-ui AUR, which is a GTK+ frontend for the dhcpcd daemon (and optionally WPA supplicant).It features a configuration dialogue and the ability to enter a pass phrase for wireless networks. AUR (en) - dhcpcd-git A DHCP and DHCPv6 client. Package Details: dhcpcd-git 7.1.1.r31.gf1713f60-1 AUR (en) - dhcpcd-dbus

FS#36749 : [archiso] dhcpcd fails to start - Arch Linux

raspbian - Differences between /etc/dhcpcd.conf and /etc So I tried to do the config in /etc/dhcpcd.conf: interface eth0 static ip_address= static routers= static domain_name_servers= And it worked.

ArchWiki - Arch Linux

How to install Arch Linux with XFCE Desktop