Oct 16, 2019 · However, when the drastic crash in oil prices came, along with a collapse in Venezuelan oil production, those societal indices nosed downward, and statistical censorship arrived. One example: On

Oct 16, 2019 · However, when the drastic crash in oil prices came, along with a collapse in Venezuelan oil production, those societal indices nosed downward, and statistical censorship arrived. One example: On Jun 27, 2018 · Venezuela ramps up censorship with Tor ban. The anonymous browsing network gets blocked in the government's latest threat to human rights. Twitter also communicated to users in Venezuela how to use Twitter using SMS, in anticipation of further Internet interruptions. William Castillo , the director of CONATEL , the country's media regulator, later claimed that Internet censorship was necessary to fight off online attacks. In Venezuela, a case that we examine below in depth, all three of these factors are in play. Internet usage there is among the fastest-growing in the world, even as the government pursues an ambitious program of censorship. Many methods used by the state are beneath the waterline, and have surfaced in other countries. Aug 07, 2014 · Censorship is nothing new in Venezuela, but it is taking novel, more covert, forms under Mr. Chávez’s lackluster replacement, Nicolás Maduro. Mr. Maduro hasn’t made much headway against the In 2014, Reporters Without Borders originally stated that Venezuela did not fit the categories of either "surveillance", "censorship", "imprisonment" or "disinformation" [42] but later warned of "rising censorship in Venezuela's Internet service, including several websites and social networks facing shutdowns". Aug 17, 2018 · Facebook censors Telesur and Venezuela Analysis By Andrea Lobo 17 August 2018 Monday evening, the English language page of the television network Telesur, which is published by the Venezuelan

Apr 16, 2019 · Venezuela’s Internet freedom has been weakening for several years, with the country finally dropping from “partly free” to “not free” in annual reports by global democracy monitor Freedom House in

Jul 20, 2016 · This law has been considered, since its approval in 2004 (and its extension to Internet in 2009) as a censorship mechanism. Forty-two pages are being simultaneously blocked by all large Venezuelan CANTV accounts for about 70 percent of Venezuela’s fixed internet connections and 50 percent of mobile, and Netblocks, a non-government group based in Europe that monitors internet censorship Nov 23, 2019 · Censorship in Venezuela has caused hackers to openly use social media. The government blocks many websites such as CNN and El Nacional, a popular national newspaper. Jun 14, 2017 · Internet Censorship Increases in Venezuela What’s happening in Venezuela with internet censorship is a prime example of the dangers government control over freedom of information can bring. Absolute power in the hands of one individual can have devastating effects for any institution or organization.

Jan 29, 2019 · RSF_en. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemns the disastrous climate for journalists in Venezuela, where the deepening political crisis has been accompanied by increasingly blatant and disturbing censorship of non-governmental media. The government must respect the freedom to inform, RSF says. What with arrests of reporters, confiscation of their equipment, police violence against them during demonstrations, Internet cuts and outright broadcast bans, access to objective and pluralist

Although the Venezuelan government has sporadically interfered with the web since 2007, internet activists say that online censorship has increased dramatically since January, when Guaidó sworehimself in and was recognizedas the country’s legitimate president by the U.S. and about 50 other countries. May 03, 2019 · Playing Cat and Mouse With Venezuela’s Internet Censors In an effort to keep the military connected and protesters offline, Maduro embraces nimble internet censorship. By Elias Groll Pervasive levels of internet censorship have been carried out in Venezuela since 2014, largely monitored and documented by local civil society groups IPYS Venezuela and Venezuela Inteligente. Their study (between 2015 and 2016) showed that 43 websites were systematically blocked by one or more Venezuelan ISPs.