In short Flash Player is ignoring our bowser proxy setting in favor of our gateway / T1. I performed a test ans removed the gateway on a test machine forcing Flash to use our proxy and everything works fine. But if I change it back, Flash favors the gateway over the Internet Explorer proxy browser settings.

How to unblock Adobe Flash Player | Trusted Reviews Oct 02, 2019 How to Configure a Proxy Server on Windows Jul 06, 2017 Forcing flash through a proxy | BlackHatWorld

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The settings for the IE proxy are by default per user. This means that a user always has the ability to change his own proxy settings. In order to force a specific proxy server for all users on a machine, the proxy settings can be made machine-wide. This means only users with administrative rights can change the proxy settings. In short Flash Player is ignoring our bowser proxy setting in favor of our gateway / T1. I performed a test ans removed the gateway on a test machine forcing Flash to use our proxy and everything works fine. But if I change it back, Flash favors the gateway over the Internet Explorer proxy browser settings. Oct 02, 2019 · In the drop-down menu that appears, give Settings a poke. Scroll to the bottom of the first page and click ‘Advanced’. A whole new section of options will pop into view.

Microsoft® Edge Browser Policy Documentation | Microsoft Docs Configure proxy server settings Supported versions: On Windows and macOS since 77 or later; Description. Specify the proxy server settings used by Microsoft Edge. If you enable this policy, users can't change the proxy settings. If you choose to never use a proxy server and to always connect directly, all other options are ignored. How the Windows Update client determines which proxy Mar 29, 2017